Children didn’t come with a manual but this website is a good start:
Triple P Parenting program doesn’t tell you how to be a parent. It’s more like a toolbox of ideas. You choose the strategies you need.
Nobody’s Perfect has parenting tip sheets that come in multiple languages.
Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada is committed to promoting the mental well-being of children and youth.
Caring for Kids provides parents with information about their child’s and teen’s health and well-being developed by the Canadian Paediatric Society.
Vulcan Daycare Society 403-485-2945
Licenced Early Learning and Child Care Centre Program.
Out of School Care Program. Newborns to 12 year olds.

Greater Foothills Family Centre 1-877-652-8633
Provides free programs, supports and services to children and youth and their families. Family Resource Network’s will focus on strengthening parenting and caregiving knowledge, social support, coping and problem-solving skills. Provides Parent Education, Developmental Screening, Parenting Workshops, Clothing, Bike and Skate exchange programs as well as Family Events.
New programs are offered each month and updated on Facebook at

Play Groups for Parents with Kids 0 – 6years old
Vulcan – Greater Foothills Family Centre comes to Vulcan with a different theme each month.
Roving Gym at Milo School – Contact Milo Recreation

Champion Legion – Contact Champion FCSS 403-897-3833
Arrowwood Playgroup – Contact Betty at 403-485-8623
To get support to start a playgroup in any other village contact Vulcan and Region FCSS 403-485-2192

Rainbow Literacy and Learning Society
Family Literacy Programs 403-485-3107
Time for Rhymes – Join us to learn to rhymes, songs and stories to interact with your child and meet other people in your community.
Building Blocks – In-Home Family Literacy Program
Literacy and Parenting Skills (LAPS)
Alphabet Soup – Stories, crafts and a hands-on food experience.
Books for Babies – A program to support new parents to read, sing and interact with their new baby and includes a Books for Babies bag full of books and resources.
Mentorship – Weekly program to support the wellbeing of children and youth by providing a role model to support them socially, academically and personally.
Animal Tales – Each week children are introduced to a new animal, have books read to them and do a craft followed by a chance to read to that animal in a safe, non-judgmental space.

Vulcan County Early Childhood Development Coalition meets as needed to discuss and address early childhood matters. Contact FCSS for information. 403-485-2192

Wild Rose Community Connections
-First Years for Families (FYFF) is a family capacity building Home Visitation program. This program supports expectant parents and those with newborns/young children in the context of their family and environment. FYFF supports families with parenting skills, creating a safe, stimulating environment for their children and helping connect with other community resources. Referrals to this free service can be a self-referral or by other community agencies. The youngest child needs to be under age 3 when referred.

-Caring Connections 403 437-4984
An Emotional Safe Spot for individuals, families or seniors. For anyone feeling disconnected, alone dealing with daily challenges or just need to chat. We hope we can make your day a little bit brighter and help connect you to other resources.
Nobody’s Perfect – One-on-one Parent Support and Groups for those with 0-5 yrs. olds
Smarter Parenting – Support and strategies for parents of children 3-18 years to create more harmony in your home.

Other organizations that serve families:
McMan Youth, Family and Community Service Association
Family Ties
Hull Services
Strongest Families Institute
Children’s Cottage Calgary 403.233.2273 Crisis Nursery for children newborn-8 years old.
Healthy Minds, Healthy Children through Community Education Services and Caregiver Education offers free, public education on child and youth emotional wellness and health topics, as well as online professional development.

Brains aren’t just born– they’re also built
Nurturing experiences build sturdy brain architecture, while negative experiences like abuse and neglect build weak brain architecture. Engaging with children helps build their brain. Learn more at

The foundations of resilience are early life experiences and supports. Negative experiences increase the likelihood of poor health and wellness. Positive supports increase our ability to bounce back from major life stresses and the likelihood of lifelong health and wellness. Learn more at